Thursday 31 January 2013

31/01/2013 - Group Meeting One

Today at 12:30pm, our group got together to discuss early ideas about our exercise and group project. Since I had no ideas of my own, we discussed Alice's ideas which are:

To explore Folk Dancing: the two minute could explain (poetically) what the dance is, and the 10 minute can be more about the people involved. It's usually stereotyped that it is only the older generation that enjoy it, however there is a greater range of people who love the dance, and therefore we want to make people more aware of this. We liked this idea because we thought it would adapt well into the idea of creating a poetic documentary, as well as having something someone within the group is passionate about themselves. This idea also made contacts easier and also location scouts/events will be easier to be aware of when it comes to the production stage.

The second, (back up) idea was to create a documentary on the city of Sheffield and how this has changed over time. In a way, we all thought this a little cliche and wanted to proceed with the first idea, however this would be a safe simple idea to fall back in if any major issues occurred.

However this is still early stages of development, and there maybe many more ideas and information between this and our next session, where we are taught more about what our documentary should entail. This meeting was just to try get ahead and organise ourselves.

This meeting also allowed us to split the roles in a way it was equal and everyone was happy. As of this meeting, the group and roles are as follows:

Alice Hathaway: Producer/Sound Design/Assistant Director
Natalie Obank: Cinematographer/Assistant Director
Lewis Hague: Editor/Assistant Director

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