Sunday 3 March 2013

Rough Assembly: Looking In On The Edit

At the beginning of the editing process, I decided to watch and contribute to the rough assembly. Mainly because I'd completed the editing module previously, but also because Lewis helped with the Cinematography stages by manning a camera.

We MPEG stream clipped the footage and looked through to see what we could use and what we couldn't use. We noticed there was a big difference between quality of footage between interior and exterior locations. We knew this would be the case when we first looked at the footage of the practices, which kind of put a disadvantage on the documentary, however it's also a learning curve to allow us to see what we did wrong and what we need to improve.

I really liked the outdoor footage, I think the cameras captured them really well, quality and shot-wise, and I feel that was the strong part of the work.

We decided to use the 2-minute poetic to show the audience what Morris dancing is, as discussed in our treatment, so we decided not to use the interviews but rather use the sound files of music we'd gained on shoots and create a soundtrack, a poetic melody for the piece to follow, and use a range of shots to show the process of practice to festival goes and the differences between the two.

At the rough stage, we decided to use shots we liked and place them within the time line.

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