Monday 11 February 2013

06/02/2013 - Group Meeting Two

On the 6th February, we held another informal meeting to see how plans were going for our piece. We've decided to stick with the 'folk dancing' idea and heard back from a few contacts, which have given us a few filming days to prepare for:

19th February 2013
25th February 2013
26th February 2013

21st February 2013
2nd March 2013
3rd March 2013

We tried to organise what we needed. For example, within my camera work in the past, I'm used to working with DSLRs. So we tried to organise what camera we could use. I could fall back on using a Sony PD170, however would prefer to use a DSLR as I have more understand for this type of camera.

UPDATE: We are able to rent Canon 550D cameras from Adsetts. I've also purchased a 600D, and will work with this throughout the shoot.

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