Monday 18 February 2013

Documentary Inspiration: Hip Hop Grannies!

For our inspiration aims of our project, we talked about researching the documentary 'Hip Hop Grannies'. This is the video we were inspired by as it takes the idea of stereotyping people involved with hip hop out of the window. The short documentary looks at elderly residents living in Beijing who get involved in Hip Hop dance classes. This documentary was eye catching and grabbed our attention instantly, as it's something new and 'abnormal' (in a sense). 

The film itself cuts from her lifestyle at her home, to the dance classes she teachers (and others attend). The Documentary is heavily reliant on dialogue to present the information to the audience, through interviews and voiceovers, which explains what they do and why they are involved. By using dialogue through interview and voiceover keeps the audience interested, for one, you're introduced to this person face-to-face, as if she's telling you this information, but at the same time, you are presented with images of what she is talking about, making it easy to follow and understand, this is important as the main focus of the documentary is to get a point across that Hip Hop isn't solely for the young. 

The atmosphere of the work is cheeky and cheerful, as we watch the women perform to hip hop tunes, and this is what we wanted to accomplish with our documentary. Create an atmosphere and allow the audience to enjoy the dancing and gain full understanding about what it is and who is actually involved, not just the stereotypical traditions.

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