Wednesday 20 February 2013

Tuesday 19th February: First Day of Filming!

On Tuesday 19th February (as scheduled), we made it to our first filming location, which was at a local hall in Sheffield. In honestly, this was both mine and Lewis' first real times watching a group of Morris dancers train and perform different routines outside of costume, so it was a whole new experience in itself. As my role was cinematography, this was where I needed to ensure I captured as much footage as possible. We had two cameras shooting throughout the practice, with the help of Lewis (editor) and managed to get some good footage. (We did, when coming to the edit suite, notice that the footage from both cameras were very grainy, but some of it was usable). 

We did however run into a few issues throughout the shoot. For example, both of the cameras (550D & 600D CANON) were for some reason not recording properly and turning off automatically without notice. We researched the problem and found out that this was because we had the wrong class of SD cards. We had lower than class 6, and therefore luckily had spare memory cards we could use for this shoot (since this time I have purchased a Class 10 36GB for the remaining shoots), but at least we thought a head and many memory cards on filming day. To deal with memory issue (since we didn't have as many memory cards as we wanted) I'd luckily brought my laptop anyway, so we imported the footage onto my MacBook and cleared the memory cards for more space and filming. 

As we said before, we ran into issues with the footage in regard to gain. We got quite a range of shots within the practice and we should hopefully be able to use these within the edit, but luckily we will have time to go back if we need to. 

Here are some different styles of shots we had taken on the day:

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