Thursday 28 February 2013

Film Shoot #2 - Five Rivers

When all pre-production was completed, it was time for our 2nd location shoot. We took the same approach as the first session, in regard to having two camera set-ups, so once again we could capture a wide range of shots that we could use in the documentary. We travelled to another practice hall where we met the 'Five Rivers' Morris dancing team.

An issue with the filming in these halls however were lack of lighting equipment. It would have been helpful to have that extra set up, however due to the size of the equipment and the obstructions to the dancers, we didn't want to risk any injuries, especially so close to the festival. However, we should research some little lighting kits (if any) for next time we shoot interior locations.

I do believe that this shot was successful, we captured a nice range of footage, and also managed to get interviews after the practice in a pub, which I thought worked quite well because you capture a little of the social side within the interview set up - the fact they all go together for a drink after practice means they enjoy being in each others company outside of dance. The interviews did go quite well, we got some good and some unexpected answers, thanks to Alice being able to ask the interviewees a range of questions, as she has knowledge on the topic. We could have used lighting within the pub area, but once again ran into restrictions.

As the cinematographer, I would have liked to use lighting within this set up, however I feel the shoot went successful. We got a great range of shots and interviews we could use in the edit. I also enjoyed the change in location, as I feel that the audience would get bored with looking at practice halls throughout the film. Here are some shots we captured:

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