Tuesday 12 February 2013

12/02/2013 - Group Meeting Three

After Tuesday's session, Alice and I had a group meeting to discuss what needed to be done and discuss any issues we have so far into the project.

We decided to outline the treatment to later discuss in our meeting tomorrow where we'll be working on our treatment and pitch presentation.

Working Title: A Life With Bells On (find something similar?)
Format: ???
Hook/Tag Line


Synopsis: Core Subject: the people and their stories within Morris Dance

Our documentaries will follow the culture and lifestyles of Morris Dancers within Sheffield. We plan to use the 2-minute piece to present 'stereotypical' information to the audience, but using an interview VoiceOver and linking it with images of the crew getting ready from rehearsals to actual performances. My idea was to end the piece where the VoiceOver says something along the lines of 'it's not like that all.' But that is dependent on the material we are able to achieve.

The short one will focus on the process of rehearsal to show, and the 10-minute was going to look, deeper into the stories of dancers in different groups, with the use of archive and interview, which will come together with the Folklore Festival on 2nd-3rd March.

The aim is to deplete the stereotype of the people involved in Morris Dancing, and also present information as to why people do it, and what exactly it means. The key contributors will be the dance groups and the audience at the festival.

Light-hearted theme throughout.

Tomorrow is: Pitch/Treatment/Equipment/Call Sheet

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